Millions of dollars raised after unusual photo taken while in prison of Trump

Millions of dollars raised after unusual photo taken while in prison of Trump
Millions of dollars raised after unusual photo taken while in prison of Trump

According to former US President Donald Trump's election campaign, $7.1 million has been raised in a short period after the 'historic' photo taken in an Atlanta jail was released.

The unusual image raised money with special merchandise including mugs, t-shirts, and drink coolers. The same picture of Trump was put on all of them.

Trump was arrested and released on bail on charges of trying to change the results of the 2020 election. He is facing three more cases while campaigning for the 2024 US presidential election.

Trump has denied the allegations against him, calling them political revenge. He is the front-runner in the Republican presidenti, challenginglenging incumbent Democrat Joe Biden.

The former president came with a security convoy that included several black vans, police cars motorcycles, and rescue vehicles. It was the same protocol as the US president.

A mugshot was taken of the former president after his arrest inside the building and the former president struck a particular 'pose' for the photo. This day has never happened to any American president before.

The police file that has come to light lists the former president as 'prisoner number PO1135809', who is facing 13 charges.

One of the allegations is that he tried to change the results of the state in the 2020 presidential election by running against President Joe Biden.

The former US president denies all these allegations, arguing that he is politically active and that is why he is being targeted for political revenge.

Donald Trump was released from jail on bail at 7:50 p.m. Thursday.

The judge in charge of the election meddling case in Georgia ordered the former president to post a $200,000 bond after a deal between the prosecutor's office and Donald Trump's lawyers.

After this action, the former president arrived at the Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport to reach his golf club in New Jersey at 8:15 p.m.

"This is a very sad day for America," he told reporters before boarding his private plane. This should never have happened.

He further said that you should be able to contest elections. I think the election was rigged. (However) I have not done anything wrong. Everyone knows this.

The US president chose a particular time to release this photo, a day after the first debate of the Republican candidates for the 2024 US presidential election. The former president is still leading the race.

This picture has caught the attention of his workers and supporters. He collected nearly $20 million three weeks after being indicted in the Georgia and Capitol Hill rioting cases.

On Friday, he was arrested in Georgia after collecting $4.18 million. This is the largest donation raised in just 24 hours.

In addition to selling exclusive merchandise on the online store, the campaign appealed to its supporters for help.

The photo that marked a new chapter in American history

It was a matter of 20 minutes but the history of centuries changed. It is about a picture that was taken by the police during the short imprisonment of the former President of the United States, Donald Trump.

This is the first photo of any US president in police custody, known as a 'mug shot'.

Former President Donald Trump visited the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta, Georgia this Thursday. He was charged with four charges in the indictment, in one of which he appeared.

It should be noted that Donald Trump filed for arrest in Georgia on charges of conspiracy to alter the state's 2020 election results.

Former President Donald Trump later shared a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, for the first time since January 2021, in which he shared a photo taken by police during his arrest and wrote: 'Election. Interference, Never Surrender!' means 'Electoral interference, never surrender.'

What are the cases against Trump?

On August 14, Fulton County District Attorney Fannie Volis indicted former President Trump for his involvement in and leadership of an extensive election fraud conspiracy.

Along with the former president, 18 other people have also been indicted in this case.

They have been accused of violating the state anti-organized crime law 'RICO' (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act).

"The indictment alleges that instead of following the legal process to contest the election, the former president took a criminal action to alter the results of the Georgia election and committed fraud," said District Attorney Fannie Volis. '

In addition, Donald Trump faces charges of impersonating an official in Georgia, pressuring an official to commit perjury, producing false documents, and conspiracy to defraud in Georgia for violating the law.

On the next date, Donald Trump is scheduled to appear in court again to plead not guilty in the Georgia case.

However, former federal prosecutor and FBI consultant JosephAccording to Moreno, the trial will take a long time.

Speaking to the BBC on Thursday night, Joseph Moreno explained that the prospect of a speedy trial in the Georgia case, in particular, is complicated by the fact that 19 people are involved and the 'federal legal complications compared to the state. Some issues will need to be addressed already.'

In June, Trump was indicted in Florida on charges of mishandling classified documents. The trial on the charge is scheduled to begin in federal court a few months before the presidential election in May 2024.

Trump also faces a trial in New York City involving film star Stormy Daniels.

Stormy Daniels, real name Stephanie Gregory Clifford, is a former actress, screenwriter and director in the porn industry. She claims that Donald Trump had sex with her in 2006. At that time, Trump's second marriage had already been a year.

Stormy Daniels claims that when Trump was a presidential candidate in 2016, she paid $130,000 through her lawyer, Michael Cohen, on the condition that she would not disclose her relationship with Trump.

Recent polls show that Trump's support among Republican voters has increased over the past four months, despite the allegations against him.

The former president is the favorite in the race for the Republican Party to choose its next candidate. The winner of this race will be the Democratic candidate in November 2024, who will likely be the current President, Joe Biden, who will compete for the US President.

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