European art masterpiece or pornography? "We can't show the whole David to such young children."


European art masterpiece or pornography? "We can't show the whole David to such young children."
European art masterpiece or pornography? "We can't show the whole David to such young children."

A US school principal had to resign after a student's parents complained that sixth graders were shown pornography.

Interestingly, the cause of this complaint was a 500-year-old sculpture that is considered the most famous masterpiece in the Western world.

The statue of David, created by Michelangelo, was shown to school children during an art lesson.

However, the parents of one child described the video as pornography, while the parents of two children said they would like to know what the children are being taught before class.

It is actually a statue of a naked David who killed the giant Goliath according to the Bible.

The lesson taught to eleven and twelve-year-olds also included references to other works by Michelangelo.

Tallahassee Classical School Principal Hope Carrasaquila says she was given an ultimatum by the school board to resign or be fired.

According to local media, Princip does not know why he was asked to resign but believes it is related to complaints from parents over controversial lessons.

According to local media, he had been in this position for less than a year.

In an interview with the American news agency Slate, school board member Barney Bishop Swim said that last year the principal sent a notice to parents that the children were being taken to see Michelangelo's David sculpture, but this year it was not done.

"Parents have a right to know that their child is being taught about a controversial subject or image," Barney Bishop called it a mistake.

"We won't show the whole statue of David to kids that young, we won't show it to second graders, it might be possible in a certain age group, but we have to decide that they're not going to show it," he said. What will be the age?

On Thursday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis extended a law banning public schools from teaching sex. Teachers who violate this law can be suspended and have their licenses revoked.

It should be noted that the statue of David was created by Michelangelo between 1501 and 1504 and since then it has been considered a masterpiece.

Artist Giorgio Vasari said that 'no such sculpture has ever been created'.

Queen Victoria of Great Britain gifted a replica of the statue to the South Kensington Museum.

It is said that when he saw the statue for the first time, he was so disgusted that he ordered a mask to be made to cover the sensitive parts of the statue.

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