Special Olympic Games four-medal winner Saifullah Solangi: 'My mother said I can do everything


Special Olympic Games four-medal winner Saifullah Solangi: 'My mother said I can do everything
Special Olympic Games four-medal winner Saifullah Solangi: 'My mother said I can do everything

Ami Abu had said that if I want, I can do everything, no one can defeat me. When my number came during the competition, my only thought was that I have to win and win at all costs.

"I went ahead with self-confidence and came out winning the competition, so everyone was congratulating me that no one else can lift the weight that I lifted."

This is what Pakistani athlete Saifullah Solangi, who won two gold, one silver, and one bronze medal in the powerlifting competitions of the Special Olympic Games held in Berlin, Germany, has to say.

Saifullah Solangi won the gold medal in a back squat with 90 kg weight, a gold medal in the deadlift with 115 kg weight, and then a silver medal with 245 kg weight in the combined category.

"Standing on the stand has its own fun"

Saifullah Solangi, a resident of Karachi, belongs to the Dadu district in the Sindh province of Pakistan. Speaking to the BBC, he recounted the emotional moments when he was presented with the medal.

"My tears were tears of joy while wearing the medal. Everyone there hugged me and congratulated me. Mom, Dad, and my sisters were happy. I worked very hard to win these competitions. Neither saw the day nor saw the night.

Saifullah Solangi is very happy to have bagged four medals in total. He later celebrated the victory with his colleagues.

He says that he has won medals in international competitions for the first time but now his eyes are on future competitions.

After that, I will try to win medals in many competitions. Standing on the curved stand has its own fun.

Saifullah is fond of sports. Cycling, swimming. Therefore, he participated in many sports.

But he says, "I enjoyed powerlifting because it's a sport of strength and technique." In this, every player shows his strength and talent.

But how did Saifullah Solangi, who started powerlifting only a few years ago, learn all this so quickly?

He explains that when he started powerlifting and started winning competitions in Pakistan, his skills were appreciated.

"My coaches and teachers started saying that I can win a medal in Special Olympics as well. This matter sat in my heart and mind. Only after that, I worked hard day and night.

But along with his hard work and dedication, the encouragement of his family and colleagues also played an important role in his success.

Says Saifullah Solangi, "When my name was called for lifting during the competition, I felt that my coach and my teammates had high hopes for me."

"I felt that my parents, sisters, and family were looking up to me." The competition was tough but Saifullah was confident in his ability and training.

He says, "I knew how much weight to lift to get the victory." I thought I could do it.'

"I went ahead with self-confidence and then came out winning the competition with full confidence. Everyone was congratulating me that the weight I lifted was not up to anyone else."

'Admit him to a special school'

Saifullah Solangi's father works in Saudi Arabia. He was trained and looked after entirely by his mother, Zahida Safir.

Zahida Safir is a mother of three children. Apart from Saifullah, he has two daughters and Saifullah Solangi was second.

She says that during Saifullah's childhood, he did not know that he was special.

When he did not speak as a child, everyone said that there is nothing to worry about, he will start speaking when he goes to school.

But even when school started, Saifullah remained silent. "He didn't make any friends, he just kept aloof."

The teachers and principal of his school told us that Saifullah Solangi will not be able to study in a school for normal children, he should be admitted to a school for special children. If they educate and train it, it will improve and start speaking.

Then Zahida Safir got Saifullah admitted to SRCS, a school in Vishwa Chowrangi. It was a difficult phase. Zahida says that 'Initially there was a restriction that I have to be present at school.'

I used to go at eight in the morning and stay at school till two. It went on like this for a long time.

After some time, he said that there is no need anymore, but I understood that my son needs me, after which I did not leave him alone.

Zahida Ambassador said that I never let him leave the house. Managed to keep him busy at home. She used to take him to the park herself.

Zahida Safir says that the purpose of my life was to train Saifullah Solangi in such a way that he would be useful to society.

The results of his focus were soon visible.

He used to say that I will come back after winning.

She says that Saif learned a lot in school. The school children encouraged him after which he started performing better and better in sports.

"I also felt it was very good for him, so we provided him with all possible facilities," says Zahida.

Saifullah's family also encouraged him. "We explained to Saifullah that you are very talented."

"Whenever he won a competition in sports at the national level or even at the local level, all of us in the family used to reward him."

Then came the day when Saifullah was selected for Special Olympics competitions.

Zada says that when she was selected for the Special Olympics, her father would call her every day and say, "You have to win this competition." I would also say that when you win, we will celebrate a lot.

He always used to say that I will come back after winning, I will fight back. Now he is very happy and we also feel that the hard work of us and his teachers has paid off.

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