Sex Grooming in Britain: Why Blame Only on British Pakistanis?


Sex Grooming in Britain: Why Blame Only on British Pakistanis?
Sex Grooming in Britain: Why Blame Only on British Pakistanis?

British Interior Minister Sola Braverman has recently repeatedly made statements that the majority of Pakistani -born British men are behind the grooming gangs that use young white girls in the country for sex.

These statements have led to a major controversy. One of the main reasons for this is that his statements are contrary to the Home Minister's 2020 report, saying that most of the most criminal in sex grooming cases is white British citizens. Is.

The Home Minister's statement is not only angry with Pakistanis living in the UK but demanded that Prime Minister Rashi Sonic apologize.

In the UK, dozens of Muslim organizations have written a letter to Rishi Sonic stating that the interior minister's statement is 'based on racism and dividing society.'

Interior Minister Sola Breurman's statement

But here it is very important that the Home Minister finally said what.

"The fact is that the majority of these gangs are British Pakistani men," Swelle Breworman said in a program called BBC's 'Sunday with Laura Kunsberg'. The authorities, whether they are a social worker, a teacher, or a policeman, ignored it when they learned of the issue. '

Apart from the BBC, he said on Sky News that "there were British Pakistani men involved in the grooming gangs who have cultural values that are directly contradictory to British values."

These statements of the Home Minister were strongly criticized by not only the opposition parties but also some members of their own party, saying that their statement was going to be left alone and a community in the society.

"Black and brown people can also be racists, the color of the home secretary and their cultural background cannot stop me from talking," said Saeeda Warsi, a member of the ruling Conservative Party. In our cabinet, the faces have changed, but the thinking is the same. Change is just named. '

Opposition Labor Party leader Career Starmer said in his statement, "If you look at the total data, racial identity is a small element. But if we do not have all the facts, then our reaction will not be appropriate. '

At the political level, the British government is being criticized, and some politicians say that Sola Braverman has once again proved how much he dislikes immigrants.

Pakistani -born British government angry, anxious, and anxious

BBC Urdu visited some areas in London where the number of Pakistani -born British citizens is relatively high and tried to find out what they have to say about the Home Minister's statement.

Amina, 30, said, "The interior minister holds a very responsible position and his statement has hurt me." As a British Pakistani, I feel bad. '

Samia Azim, 37, said, 'I have a younger daughter who was born here, the same bridge is growing. She is a British citizen. How would she feel when she listens to such statements? This statement is very disturbing. '

A shopkeeper in the Watford area said, "Swelle Breworman should apologize for his statement."

Several Muslim organizations in the UK have written a letter to Prime Minister Rashi Sonic demanding an apology for the statements of Sola Brownman.

Interestingly, this demand has not only been made by organizations and groups of Pakistani -born British citizens but by people from different countries. These include Indian, Egyptian, Arabic, Bangladeshi, and other Muslims.

One such letter has been written by 46 UK organizations. The letter states that 'the statement of the Minister of Interior is based on racism and is the one who is about to be. It is unacceptable to us that the country's interior minister uses provocative language, dismissed, and negates the 2020 report of his department that said that Most of the people involved in the exploitation were white. '

Dr. Shahid Latif, chairman of the British Muslim Psychiatric Association, who signed this letter, told BBC Urdu, "This statement of the Interior Minister is not only baseless but also an attempt to isolate people politically in a way. In addition, it is a racist statement. Such statements increase race-based attacks. '

"About three years ago, former Prime Minister Barce Johnson called women wearing a burqa a letter box, which increased the racist attacks in the UK by 375 percent. So we want the Prime Minister to apologize to the Pakistani community for this statement. '

Home Office data tell a separate story

In fact, in 2020, the Interior Ministry issued a report on the gang gangs that sexually abused young girls said:

The largest linguistic group involved in these crimes was white or white criminals.

In some areas where more black or Asian people were involved, unlike the rest of the country, they had a population of people.

Earlier, according to data from the government's limited areas in 2015, the gang gangs were 42 percent white, while the Asians were 14 percent and 17 percent were black.

In addition, an independent investigation revealed that the coverage of cases in which the culprits are white is not as high as the cases of Asian Germans.

ExpertsThe recent statements of the Home Minister will further increase prejudice about the British Pakistani community and increase racism-based attacks against them.

Alenor Williams case

What is the loss of such reporting and statements? An example of this is the case of Elanver Williams in the city of Bero in the north of the country, in which Alenor Williams made fabricated stories and accused Pakistani -born men of raping and trafficking, which proved to be a liar in court.

The court sentenced Elanver Williams to eight years. Due to these allegations, Pakistani people in the area were not only suffering from panic, but one of the accused, Mohammad Ramadan, thought of committing suicide.

Several investigative reports have imposed the biggest responsibility for the failure to stop child-savvy abuses, which is subordinate to the Minister of Interior.

What do experts say?

Experts say the UK is a multicultural society in which the services of Pakistani -born British citizens cannot be ignored.

Atiqah Rehman, a London -based newspaper, says, "The British Pakistani community is very angry with the statement of Sola Breurman. The Interior Ministry later said that Swelle Brewerman was talking about only three cases of grooming. This explanation is not enough. The government still has the opportunity to apologize to the Pakistanis living in the UK. ”

There, journalist and author Salil Tripathi said, "Grooming gangs do not necessarily be a Pakistani -born man or an Asian." The problem is in British Society. The government has to deal with it. The Home Minister has to understand that the problem of grooming is not limited to any race and religion. ”

"They should avoid such politics and work for which they have been taken. And if they cannot do their job properly, there are many talented people in their party who can run this department better. '

The younger generation should focus on their career or get involved in identity issues?

BBC Urdu also spoke to young people whose parents had come to Pakistan with a dream of a better life. They came here thinking that their new generations would have equal rights and all their focus would be to improve their lives.

"We are already facing Islamophobia globally, but if someone sitting in such a big position in the UK makes such a statement, then our problems will increase," said a young man, Mohammad Rashid, said. Most British Pakistanis pay taxes, work, and are contributing to the development of the country, but this statement hurts. '

Experts say such incidents not only cause Pakistani people to face racial hatred but also suffer from identity problems rather than becoming a positive part of the community.

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