The remnants of ancient viruses hidden in the human body for years that can make cancer treatment possible


The remnants of ancient viruses hidden in the human body for years can make cancer treatment possible
The remnants of ancient viruses hidden in the human body for years can make cancer treatment possible

Scientists believe that the remnants of the ancient viruses that have spent millions of years hiding within human DNA, help the human body fight cancer.

A study by the French Kirk Institute has shown that the passive remnants of these ancient viruses become mobilized when the cancer cells become uncontrollable.

Inadvertently, it helps the immune system in the human body target and attacks specific cancer.

The research team wants to develop a vaccine with the help of a discovery that can cure cancer or prevent cancer.

Researchers also scrutinized a connection between lung cancer and a specific part of the immune system, called the Bell. These cells gather around the head.

B cells are part of the human body where antibodies are formed and they are known for their role in countering any infection, such as Corona's epidemic.

However, what the B cell was doing in lung cancer cells, was not yet clear.

Some complex experiences revealed that they were trying to counter the virus.

Professor Julian Dawn is the Associate Research Director at Word Francis Kirk Institute. He told me that "these antibodies were trying to mark the remains of the non-physical retrovirus."

'The retrovirus cleverly leaves a copy of its genetic instructions in the human body. Eight percent of human DNA consists of such viral types. '

Some of these retroviruses became a permanent part of the human genetic code millions of years ago, while some may have entered human DNA thousands of years ago.

These external genetic guidelines have been used for some time for helpful purposes in human cells, but some are prevented from spreading.

However, a riot in a cancerous cell causes when it begins to rise, and in this case physical control over these ancient viruses.

These genetic instructions may have lost the ability to produce a full virus, but they can make pieces that cause the human immune system viral risk.

Professor Cassettes is headed by Retro Viral Immunology at the Bio-Medical Research Center.

He told me that 'the immune system is deceived by the infection of cancer cells and it tries to eliminate the virus, it is a kind of alarm.'

Antibodies awaken other parts of the immune system to help destroys the infected cells, ie the immune system targets cancer cells in an attempt to prevent a virus.

Professor Cassettes says, 'This is the new role of retrovirus because in the past they may have caused cancer to spread to our ancestors, which is why they become part of our DNA but now they are saving us. Who is

Research in the journal Nature says that the work is naturally done, but now researchers want this effect to be used in the form of a vaccine so that the body can be taught to mark the external retrovirus.

Professor Casketts says, "If we can do this, then not just a treating vaccine, a cancerous vaccine will be possible."

Cancer Research, a UK -based Dr. Claire Brown, says, "All of us have ancient DNA in the genetics that came to us from the ancestors and this surprising research shows what it was against DNA cancer. The role plays and how our immune system can identify and destroy cancer cells. '

"Further research will be needed to develop a cancer vaccine, but with the help of this new research, the cure of cases will one day be possible," he said.

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