Stories of the poor neighbors of Bollywood's rich stars Shah Rukh, Salman Khan, and Amitabh Bachchan


Stories of the poor neighbors of Bollywood's rich stars Shah Rukh, Salman Khan, and Amitabh Bachchan
Stories of the poor neighbors of Bollywood's rich stars Shah Rukh, Salman Khan, and Amitabh Bachchan

Crowds of fans chant Shahrukh, Shahrukh outside Manat, the home of actor Shah Rukh Khan, the 'Badshah' of Bollywood, in Mumbai, India's financial capital. The police are trying to scare the fans back with sticks.

A few minutes ago, Shah Rukh Khan was standing on the balcony of 'Mant', so that fans could catch a glimpse of their favorite star.

Sometimes Shah Rukh was seen posing with his hands together, blowing kisses, saluting, and making ordinary fans feel special.

The road is jammed. Phone cameras are on. The fans are excited and loud.

After a few minutes, Shah Rukh bids farewell to his fans and begins to return to his white bungalow at Mumbai's Bandstand.

Now Shah Rukh has his back to the fans and the fans have their back to him, this story belongs only to them.

Almost every locality in Mumbai has an artist.

Whether it is Amitabh Bachchan whose address is simply 'Amitabh Bachchan, Juhu' so that the letter reaches him or the junior artists working in the narrow streets of Santa Cruz for Rs 500-1000 per installment.

In this story, we will try to know the surroundings and neighbors of some of the famous houses, whose houses are the most talked about and whose houses people come from far and wide just to see the outside. are

Among them are artists like Shahrukh Khan, Salman Khan, and Amitabh Bachchan and industrialists like Mukesh Ambani.

A neighbor of Manat and Shah Rukh Khan

Eid, birthdays or film releases are the occasions when four o'clock in the evening. Sometimes even at night, Shah Rukh suddenly shows his glimpses to the fans standing outside Mant.

The area in front of Shah Rukh's house is called Ganesh Nagar. This town living under the glare lives its life somehow in the dark.

There are about 100 houses in this area. A house here is as big as a movie star's or a rich person's car parking space.

The streets are so narrow that two men cannot pass together.

Some people living in these streets earn a living by selling food and drink items to the fans who come to see Shahrukh's house.

A 10-12-year-old girl is selling corn (white) facing the sea in front of the gate of Parvati Manta.

Parvati's brother Prem sits nearby in a wheelchair. Prem cannot walk or speak.

As the sun leaves the darkness behind and sinks into the Arabian Sea that stretches out in front of Mumbai, Prem sits in a wheelchair and shines his mobile phone flashlight for Parvati as Parvati sells kilns.

Parvati's family came to Mumbai from the eastern state of Jharkhand and has been living in Ganesh Nagar for 20-22 years.

Parvati goes to a nearby school and after returning starts selling Bhatte (chilli) to Mant's fans outside.

If you ask Prem anything, he answers with smiling eyes and gestures. But how did Prem reach the wheelchair?

Parvati's mother Neerja Devi says: 'It was Diwali, so I went to buy paint to paint the house. Both brothers were coming. A big car hit from behind and one hand was amputated, and the other's leg stopped working. It also went from the back. It's been three years. Since then he is sitting in a wheelchair.

What would you say if Shahrukh Khan was listening to you? Parvati's mother said, "If there is a little help, it is good." Now they are running around with so many children, there is no place to eat or drink. If they set up a shop, they disturb everyone.

Where Shah Rukh lives, many other big stars or nobles also live.

When I asked Parvathy, does anything ever come from Shah Rukh's house on the occasion of festivals, etc? Parvati looks shocked.

However, Parvati's mother points to the bungalow on the opposite side of Mant and says that 'when the accident happened, a gentleman who lived here helped a lot.'

Priyanka Chopra's new house and a five-star hotel are also in this row.

Ganga Singh has been living in Ganesh Nagar with her husband since 1986. She hails from Dantewada in the central state of Chhattisgarh.

Ganga Singh said: “This was formerly a bungalow of the Parsis. It was completely open. It was heritage. Then when Shah Rukh bought it and the bungalow was being renovated, I was here. A brother was repairing the bungalow. Ours was a vada pav and rice plate hotel, so all the staff's meals were taken from our place.

Ganga Singh claims that the check came every month. The check was signed by Shah Rukh. I have built this house with this money. Earlier they lived in plastic huts (rough houses). This house is a gift from Shah Rukh. Shahrukh built his own bungalow, and we also built our own small house.

Ibrahim, who lives in Ganesh Nagar, says: 'There is Manta ahead, then there is Galaxy ahead. People come 24 hours a day. Our house opens to the sea. But when water rises, so does water. All equipment has to be removed. Go somewhere else. But this place is so open that the people living here cannot live anywhere else. One feels rich while living here. What is felt here, is not felt even by those in big buildings.

The joy of being Shahrukh's neighbor

Being a neighbor of Shah Rukh, it would be easy to tell the relatives the address?

Most Ganeshnagar residents seem to agree and are happy to be asked about it.

Prem Lata makes the eyebrows of a girl sitting outside a kholi in Ganesh Nagar.

Prem Lata said: 'I work for Seth (rich) people. Along with this, I have also learned how to make up. If someone asks, it is good that Shah Rukh lives close to him. I like his picture too.'

Mohammad Ibrahim said that I am not interested in movies. But if I had to, I would prefer Shah Rukh and Salman. They are my neighbors, we are their neighbors. Neighbor's duty.

Salman Khan is often seen riding a bicycle on the bandstand. Do Neighbors meet Shah Rukh Khan too?

Ibrahim said: Tamiri Aunty met Shah Rukh and Abraham at the time of voting. Aunty had called Abraham Jabram, so Shahrukh said to Abraham, Son, tell Aunty that my name is Abraham, not Jabram.

There's an old saying that neighbors help neighbors in times of trouble, does the same hold true in the bandstand?

Ganga says: “Seth people helped a lot during the Corona period for two years. Shah Rukh, and Salman themselves do not come. Don't want to reveal your name. It is possible that these people also send silently.

Salman Khan's Ghar Galaxy

After leaving Shahrukh's house, Salman's house is found on the way after walking some distance.

Salman Khan's house looks so plain from the outside that many times fans visiting there do not believe that Salman Khan lives in the same galaxy.

On such occasions, a dialogue of Salman Khan seems very appropriate, 'Don't think so much about me, I come to my heart, I don't understand.'

In front of Salman Khan's house, there are some rough-hewn small houses.

There are about 10-12 houses in front of this area. The people living here are Catholics. There are crosses outside the houses. Nearby is St Andrews Church.

An elderly woman is seen on the balcony of her house.

Rosie is about 80 years old. She is sitting on the first-floor balcony of her house. The window of Salman's house can be seen from this balcony.

Rosie says: 'When Salman was young, he used to come home. Now he has become a big hero, so since when did he come? This Galaxy House was built much later. We have been here before. The Galaxy Building is also built right in front of us. Earlier, Salman's parents used to meet.

The joy of being Salman Khan's neighbor

Does living near Salman's house make life different for the neighbors?

Seeby, who coached the kids in football, was found in his coaching attire.

Sibi said, "I am staying here at my aunt's house." There are so many people that it is a lot of trouble. There is also trouble in going out of the house on birthdays and Eid.

But what do you say when you have to tell someone where you live?

Sebi said: 'When Salman goes on a cycle etc., he is seen. Earlier Salman was small, similar to the people here. Now he has become a big star so it is not possible to mix and match. When I tell someone where they live, they get a strange feeling that they live in front of Salman's house.

Sebi's favorite actor is Aamir Khan.

Sebi explains: “If someone in the area is in need, they go to ask for help. Salman also has a foundation. So people go to them.

She calls herself Salman's neighbor or something?

Rosie says in response to this question: 'They say that they live near the church. Salman people have come to live here later.

These Catholics living near St. Andrews Church are so used to seeing strangers that they don't feel the need to see anyone.

Thinking that, he asked the same old question that is this Salman's house?

A man selling coconut water in front of Salman's house said, 'Akha din lug Khali yak question hi hai hai (All day people ask only one question).

Amitabh Bachchan's Home and Outdoors

Amitabh Bachchan looks lonely when it comes to Neighbours. There is a bank next to Amitabh's Juhu bungalow 'Jalsa'. There are paintings on the walls of Jalsa.

A pitcher full of water is placed in front of the bungalow, in which fans come and drink water and tell people in video calls that they are drinking water from Amitabh's house.

The crowd outside Amitabh's bungalow is also seen in 'tradition, dignity, discipline'.

Due to geographical and several other reasons, the chatter on the face of the crowd outside Salman, Shahrukh's house is less visible outside Amitabh's house.

Amitabh's two other bungalows in Juhu are Janak (Creator) and Pratiksha (Waiting).

The biggest crowd is destined for the jalsa where Amitabh comes in front of the fans on Sunday evening. We greet and return together.

Apart from this, vehicles stop outside the Jalsa. People ask security guards questions, take pictures with them and quench their thirst by drinking matka water.

Talked to some security guards outside Amitabh's house.

Smiling, he says: 'People come and ask - where does Amitabh sleep, he sleeps in the front room. Do you ever come to the balcony? If I speak loudly

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