'30 crore jobs could be lost due to artificial intelligence


'30 crore jobs could be lost due to artificial intelligence
'30 crore jobs could be lost due to artificial intelligence

A report by investment bank Goldman Sachs says that artificial intelligence could replace 300 million jobs.

It could replace a quarter of jobs in the U.S. and Europe, but it could also mean new jobs and increased productivity and could increase the global output of goods and services by seven percent.

Employment Opportunities

In the UK, the government is keen to promote investment in artificial intelligence, which the government says will 'increase productivity in the economy', and has sought to reassure the public about its impact. Is.

Technology Secretary Mitchell Donnellan told The Sun newspaper: 'We want to make sure in the UK that artificial intelligence works exactly as we do and doesn't screw it up and rather than kill our jobs. Make our jobs easier.'

A report by Bank Goldman Sachs states that the impact of artificial intelligence will vary across sectors, such as 46% of jobs in management, 44% in legal professions, and only 6% in construction. Four percent of the work in the maintenance sector will be automated.

BBC News previously reported that some artists have concerns about artificial intelligence image generators that could harm their employment opportunities.

"Salary reduction"

"The only thing I'm sure of is that there's no way of knowing how many jobs generative AI will replace," Carl Benedict Frey, director of work at the Oxford Martin School, told BBC News.

"What ChatGPT has done, for example, is enable more people with average writing skills to write better articles and articles," he says.

"So journalists will face more competition, which will drive down wages unless we see a huge increase in demand for this kind of work."

He says, 'Similarly, consider GPS technology. Suddenly knowing all the roads and routes of London became less important and according to our research current drivers faced a pay cut of around 10%, but the result was not fewer drivers, just lower salaries. .'

"Generative AI will have a similar impact on creative work over the next few years."

"Pinch of Salt"

According to research presented in the report, 60 percent of people today are working in jobs that did not exist in 1940, but other research shows that since the 1980s, technological change has killed people faster than jobs have been created. made unemployed

The report concludes that if generative AI develops as well as information technology in the past, it could cut jobs very quickly.

The long-term effects of artificial intelligence are highly uncertain. Torsten Bell, chief executive of the Resolution Foundation think tank, told the BBC that "not all predictions about artificial intelligence should be relied upon."

"We don't know how this technology will evolve and how companies will incorporate it into their systems and operations," he says.

"That's not to say that artificial intelligence won't disrupt the way we work, but we should also focus on the potential quality-of-life benefits from higher productivity and lower costs, and if other companies and economies also adapt to the technology's transformation." If adopted better, the chances of loss or failure will be very less.'

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