I am stating the facts, you are being hyper.' Bilawal Bhutto's visit to India revolved around the 'handshake


I am stating the facts, you are being hyper.' Bilawal Bhutto's visit to India revolved around the 'handshake
I am stating the facts, you are being hyper.' Bilawal Bhutto's visit to India revolved around the 'handshake

After the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) meeting in India, the debate finally ended when the foreign ministers of Pakistan and India shook hands or simply joined hands and said 'Namaste' to each other.

In an interview yesterday, the Indian media asked Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto whether he got a chance to shake hands with Indian Foreign Minister Jaishankar. Bilawal replied that in all our informal meetings, we always shake hands. Of course (we also shook hands on this occasion). We spoke to other foreign ministers over dinner, as is the case at such events, (but) we did not have bilateral contacts.

The highlight of the SCO meeting in Goa was that the representatives of Pakistan and India, even though they came so close, did not restore bilateral relations, but they gave each other a good 'face-to-face reply' in their own capacity.

Both leaders have ruled out the possibility of talks. According to Bilawal, there is no backdoor communication between Pakistan and India.

Bilawal: 'Raising Hindu sentiments is not a good counter-terrorism strategy

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari in an interview with The Hindu newspaper said that in August 2019, the legal status of Jammu and Kashmir was changed by India, after which it became difficult for those who restored ties with India to maintain their position.

He says that this is the only reason why there is no dialogue between India and Pakistan. He said that Pakistan had not requested a bilateral meeting with the country hosting the SCO meeting.

Bilawal said that the move of August 5 has closed the doors of dialogue.

He also said that no decision has been taken yet regarding the participation of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in the SCO meeting in India in July.

"You are getting hyper."

When Bilawal Bhutto said in an interview with India Today that 'We caught Kulbhushan Yadav, we can show him to you, he was a Navy Commander, isn't that a legitimate allegation?', anchor person Rajdeep Sardesai said 'Ajmal Kasab. Who was it?'

When some heat increased, Bilawal said, 'I am talking to you clearly. I am stating facts without emotion. But you are getting hyper.'

He said that India should cooperate with Pakistan for witness statements to complete the Mumbai attacks trial.

Pakistan's foreign minister said that India talks about terrorism to inflame Hindu sentiments, which is actually Islamophobia. "It may be a good election strategy, but not a good counter-terrorism strategy."

In a question in this interview, he did not repeat the words 'Gujarat ka kasab' for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi but said that 'We may have a problem with the choice of words, but everyone knows that politics and diplomacy revolve around one's self. does not rotate.'

He said that other countries of the region including India and Pakistan should cooperate and listen to each other's concerns on the issue of terrorism. According to him, currently, there is no back-channel communication between the two countries.

Then, on the question regarding Pakistan's falling foreign exchange reserves, Bilawal said, "So should I forget the injustices in Kashmir while facing my problems?"

He said that the elections in Pakistan will be held at their scheduled time this year "whether in September, October, or November, as per the constitution."

He said that he is not afraid of Imran Khan, he has defeated him many times in the elections.

When the anchor asked Bilawal if he was talking to the future prime minister? Your critics call you an intern foreign minister?' to which he replied, 'I love it when people underestimate me.'

Imran Khan used to tease me by calling me a child, then I made a strategy of no-confidence which led to the demise of his government. For this reason, I have been giving a good performance at the political and diplomatic level.

Jaishankar called Bilawal the 'spokesman of the terror industry'

Regarding Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari's use of terrorism for scoring diplomatic points, the Indian Foreign Minister has said that victims of terrorism do not sit with terrorists but raise their voices against them. are

Responding to media questions after the SCO meeting in Goa, Indian External Affairs Minister Jaishankar said that 'the country that promotes terrorism, justifies it and, sorry, the mouthpiece of the terrorist industry. Pakistan has been given an answer to its position.

"Parties affected by terrorism cannot sit with the perpetrators of terrorism."

In response to questions regarding Bilawal Bhutto and Pakistan, he further said that 'Bilawal Bhutto was treated in the SCO conference the same way as the spokesperson of a country promoting terrorism industry would have been treated. Is.'

According to Jaishankar, "The victims of terrorism defend themselves and fight terrorism, this is what is happening."

Jaishankar said, "He coming here and making such a hypocritical statement that we are on board a boat." They are doing terrorism. Keep a clear stance regarding terrorism.

Indian Foreign Minister Jaishankar said that regarding the China-Pakistan Corridor, it was clarified in the SCO meeting that connectivity is good for development, but connectivity cannot violate territorial sovereignty and integrity.

Violation of integrity and sovereignty of CPEC India according to Jaishankardoing.

Sard Mehri and Namaste between Bilawal and Jaishankar

On the morning of May 5, the two leaders appeared before the camera, albeit in an apparently cold manner. While welcoming the leaders attending the meeting of foreign ministers, Jaishankar greeted Bilawal Bhutto with 'Namaste', a traditional Indian greeting, and he responded in kind, as did other foreign ministers. After that, the two leaders shook hands and stood silently at some distance.

Jaishankar did not even shake hands with the leaders of other countries but seconds after the photos were clicked, Jaishankar is seen smiling and saying something to Bhutto and motioning him to leave like other leaders. Bhutto puts his hand on his chest and leaves.

Significantly, the two leaders are not seen talking to each other at all while on camera, while Jaishankar is seen interacting with other leaders on stage.

Later, in a group photo of the foreign ministers, Jaishankar, as the host, stands in the middle, and Bilawal and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov stand together, one person away from Jaishankar.

Although the two leaders reportedly shook hands at the SCO dinner on May 4, the media was not allowed into the event and no pictures or relevant information was released afterward.

"What did Bilawal achieve by going to India?"

There is a series of comments on the SCO meeting on social media as well, but people are not seeing any signs of improvement in mutual relations.

User Asri wrote that 'there will be no change from our journalists' beach selfies and hashtags like Aman Ki Asha.'

Syed Muzamal said that the dispute with India is the cause of ninety percent of our problems. We have big weapons of war but nothing to feed our people.

Indian user Ram Subrahmanyam wrote that 'Jaishankar insulted Bilawal by calling him India. This is not our culture. Sir if you have to behave like this then don't call them in the future. You are deviating from our traditions with your politics.

Meanwhile, according to Pakistani user Nadia, Jaishankar has made it clear that there can be no dialogue with Pakistan. In his opinion, Bilawal's visit was 'wrong, respectable citizens will consider it an insult.'

While a user named Najma agreed with him, saying Jaishankar violated the South Asian etiquette that you don't treat guests in your home like that.

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